Dr. Jeremiah Davis
Dr. Jeremiah Davis graduated from D’Youville College with a Bachelor of Science in Biology in 2011.
Dr. Jeremiah Davis graduated from D’Youville College with a Bachelor of Science in Biology in 2011. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from New York Chiropractic College in 2014. Chiropractic has been a part of Dr. Jeremiah’s life from the young age of eight after a bicycle accident resulted in a great deal of pain and limited range of motion. The day after his accident he was taken in for a visit to his local chiropractor. A few days and adjustments later, Dr. Jeremiah was as good as new! This experience is what kindled his passion for chiropractic which would ultimately become his career years later.
Now, Dr. Jeremiah strives to provide others with the same type of healing care he has received since those first adjustments. In his practice he offers a variety of adjusting techniques such as diversified adjustments, flexion distraction therapy, Thompson drop table technique, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), percussive therapy as well as other types of soft tissue techniques. Most recently Dr. Jeremiah has added Nasal Release Technique to this list.
Currently, Dr. Jeremiah Davis is an in network provider for (a participating provider with) Independent Health, Independent Health Nova, United Health Care, and Univera.
Dr. Jeremiah Davis is not accepting any new workers compensation patients or Medicare patients.
Dr. Sasha Marinaccio
Dr. Sasha Marinaccio began practicing in 2010, receiving her Chiropractic degree from National University of Health Sciences. It is her focus to educate patients how they can lead healthier days through the chiropractic lifestyle
Dr. Sasha Marinaccio began practicing in 2010, receiving her Chiropractic degree from National University of Health Sciences. It is her focus to educate patients how they can lead healthier days through the chiropractic lifestyle. Together, patients can become “partners in health” as she guides them to incorporate regular movement, proper sleep, whole nutrition and hydration at home. While under care, patients have access to high quality vitamins and supplements through companies such as Metagenics, Standard Process, Thorne, Klaire Labs, and Theralogix.
Dr. Marinaccio received her certification in the Webster Technique for pregnancy, from the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association (ICPA), in 2010. She completred her Perinatal certification through the ICPA in 2023, in an effort to better help growing families in our area. Dr. Marinaccio’s practice focuses on serving women from preconception all the way through the postpartum period.
Patient hours:
Monday 2:30pm – 6:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am – 12:00pm
Thursday 2:30pm – 6pm
Saturday 8:30am – 11:30am
Office phone: 716-877-0676 ext. 2
Email: drspais@gmail.com
If you’re just starting your journey to parenthood, now is a great time to really focus on your health. Working with a chiropractor to optimize nervous system function through adjustments, stress reduction and specialized nutrition can help to promote a healthy environment for pregnancy. This holds true for both moms AND dads! If you’re a woman who has struggled with hormonal regulation in the past, it’s important to build the right care team to take steps to get to the root cause of them.
Suggested resources:
- Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health: Weschler, Toni: 9780062326034: Amazon.com: Books
- Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods: Briden Nd, Lara: 9780648352402: Amazon.com: Books
- The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution: A Proven 4-Week Program to Rescue Your Metabolism, Hormones, Mind & Mood: Aviva Romm: 9780062476340: Amazon.com: Books.
- Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?: Mark Hyman MD: 9780316338868
Chiropractic care is not only extremely helpful for common pregnancy-related aches and pains but it can also help your body be in the best possible shape for childbirth! Chiropractors use a special analysis, called The Webster Technique, during pregnancy in order to align your pelvis correctly. It is incredibly gentle and most importantly, safe, for both mom and baby.
Proper alignment decreases interference to the nervous system and balances the pelvic muscles and ligaments. This in turn decreases torsion, or twisting, in the uterus which is a cause of intra-uterine constraint for the baby. Constraint can obstruct normal movement and prevent a baby from attaining a head down position for vaginal birth, resulting in a cesarean section delivery. By working with the mother’s pelvis, chiropractic allows for optimal fetal positioning in preparation for birth.
Suggested resources:
Chiropractic care shouldn’t stop after pregnancy! We can support new moms that are faced with discomfort from sleeping challenges, poor breast or bottle feeding positions, and little time for exercise. Re-learning how to find proper posture alignment, core activation and breath is important during this time, whether you had a baby one week or one year ago. This helps to keep a healthy, happy spine.
Suggested Resources:
Dr. Alaina Rowswell
Dr. Alaina Rowswell-Kulikowski is our leasing owner. Her passion is to help families from conception to college pursue optimal health. A native of Grand Island, Dr. Alaina felt God’s calling on her life for a ministry of healing
Dr. Alaina Rowswell-Kulikowski is our leasing owner. Her passion is to help families from conception to college pursue optimal health. A native of Grand Island, Dr. Alaina felt God’s calling on her life for a ministry of healing.
After completing her undergraduate studies at SUNY Brockport, She graduated in 1990 from Palmer University-West in San Jose California. At that time, females in chiropractic constituted 2% of providers. It seemed a natural progression that Dr. Alaina provided chiropractic care for pregnant women and children.
As chiropractic grew as a profession and specialty education opportunities were promoted, Dr. Alaina was a founding mother for present chiropractic accreditation associations in pediatric as well as pre and postnatal care. The ICA (International Chiropractic Association) Council on Pediatrics, The ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) and the ACA (American Chiropractic Association) Pediatric Council * all began to offer post graduate education that she attended. She learned from Dr Webster a “breech turning” technique that later became Webster’s technique of Pregnancy. She learned CranioSacral Therapy from Drs. Carol Phillips, Don Cohen and Upledger Institute. She learned specific non surgical scoliosis techniques and many other specific pediatric techniques. In late 2001 she completed her board examination that culminated in Pediatric Board Certification in 2002. She has authored in the JCCP Pediatric journal as well has had the opportunity to teach in the International Pediatric Conference.
Dr. Alaina is a humble follower of Jesus her King. She enjoys worship, reading her bible, playing guitar,working in the nursery at church, leading WYLDlife (Jr. high ministry) on Grand Island, skiing, community theater, dancing, enjoying the Niagara River and visiting her extensive family. Her husband Kevin is the area director of Buffalo North Young Life. They have 3 grown children that bring them joy beyond measure.
Please follow the navigational tabs to learn more of the services she provides.
Chiropractic care for Children
Reflexive Locomotion
Craniosacral Therapy
Oral Facial Airway Integration
Pregnancy and chiropractic
Non Surgical Scoliosis Technique
Dr. Alaina is happy to take care of Pediatric patients and women during the pre and post natal period. However, she has limited any new patient care exclusively to this demographic.
*1. Www.icapediatrics.com, https://icpa4kids.com, acapedscouncil.org
All parents want to maximize their children’s health and would like them to achieve an optimal state. There are 4 major strategies that parents can implement for that goal. 1st and foremost is the understanding that the child’s brain and nervous system controls and coordinates every function of the body. The immune system, nervous system, circulatory system, lymphatic system, and the glymphatic system are the information highway for keeping your child healthy.
The cranium, the spinal column, and all of our joints encapsulate these highways. If there is a lack of joint motion, or joint interaction, then that information highway is compromised. The Chiropractic adjustment is designed to restore that information by restoring normal movement to those joints.
When your infant or child visits the chiropractor, an extensive history is required from parents. The doctor will also talk with a child if they are of age. Sometimes, it is difficult to communicate with children when they are pre verbal, so reflexes are used to assess. After a thorough examination, the chiropractor will determine whether adjusting joints will help your child to gain optimal health. As long as there are no contraindications then a treatment plan can be formulated immediately.
While it is important to note any symptoms, discomfort, or dysfunction, all children can benefit from improving joint motion that is restricted. Treatment plans vary by individual. Once a maintenance level of Chiropractic care is established, if the child experiences any trauma, falls, or illness, often that treatment plan will need to be re assessed for frequency.
A 2nd strategy is to be vigilant about what goes into your child’s body that influences health. Your chiropractor has unique education to be able to maximize your child’s nutritional journey. From breastfeeding and childhood food allergies, to protein intolerance and digestive issues, your chiropractor can influence and educate your family on a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise is the 3rd strategy for optimal health. Of course it is imperative to limit a child’s screen time. Getting children involved in various sports, martial arts, dance and movement is super important. However, injuries arise when fatigue, growth spurts, difficulty with sensory processes or proprioception challenge our developing children. A chiropractor is a great resource when those challenges arise.
Last but certainly not least you want your children to be raised in a loving, positive, and supportive environment where there is a connection between parents and children and a purpose of serving others. You will always want to ensure that your children feel safe and protected. This creates a sense of well being for children to flourish. Children are designed to be healthy but the better understanding we have as parents the more we will be able to take control and make better decisions for their health and well being
Vaclav Vojta was a physician from Czechoslovakia who discovered that it was possible to trigger reflexive locomotion. Being able to provoke reflexes in healthy newborns and then adults he documented innate motor patterns of locomotion. Vojta developed a method that allows easy access to these elementary patterns whereby the doctor selectively presses certain areas of the body as a stimulus with a response of movement complexes. These complexes initiate ambulatory function to assist with locomotion.
Looking at these reflexes throughout the first year of life gives the chiropractic provider insight into the nervous system and how it develops. Knowing what reflexes to test and what to expect at developmental milestones enables proper chiropractic diagnosis and care. In many cases of children that face challenges of developmental milestones, this technique helps to get the child back on track for locomotion development of sitting, crawling and walking.
Dr. Alaina is one of the Myomunchee certified practitioners in Western New York. A visit to the following web page can be extremely helpful. https://myomunchee.com/
After becoming familiar with the Myomunchee story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-_WT-3HW3E
Dr. Alaina was moved to further her education in Chiropractic to help children exercise their jaw, enhance their cranial movement while improving their dental occlusion with the Myomunchee. Before college, Dr. Alaina had the privilege of being an assistant of Dr. Lawrence Wright orthodontist. The brilliance of this doctor and his passion for children’s smiles imprinted Dr. Alaina for her entire professional career. Making the connection to cranial motion of the face with the musculoskeletal knowledge of Myomunchee University seemed to complete a circle in her own pursuit of optimal health. As a customer and practitioner the Myomunchee has been an amazing journey.
Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life where she has to prepare her own body as a temporary home for her developing child. Sacrificially, she is one who changes her sleep schedule, nutrition, exercise, work and life balance to accommodate this new person. Due to these changes her entire body takes on a new form. She will structurally change at every level, her joints soften and become more elastic throughout a 40 week process. It is so important to have a chiropractor who understands these mechanical changes to continually pursue optimal function. Discomfort and pain are common symptoms of pregnancy. The chiropractor has an opportunity to provide non pharmaceutical assistance to help comfort and heal the mother as well as support her goals for labor, delivery, nursing and beyond.
While Dr. Alaina took classes with Dr. Webster in the 1990’s, the now proprietary ICPA provides certification for this technique through their post graduate programs. https://icpa4kids.com/training/webster-certification/webster-technique/ We are blessed in these offices to have 3 providers who are trained in this technique to help expectant mothers achieve proper pelvic motion and alignment for delivery. It is recommended for all pregnant chiropractic patients to avoid intra uterine constraint with sacral analysis and proper pelvic motion.
Recommended reference: https://www.jmptonline.org/article/S0161-4754(02)00015-5/references
Symptoms that are common during pregnancy vary from headaches, nausea, vomiting, constipation, rib pain etc. Chiropractic is an excellent drug free approach to managing these challenges that are constantly changing on the journey to new life.
Chiropractic has long been an outstanding therapeutic intervention for children who are challenged with curvature of the spine. Scoliosis is a progressive disease of curvature of the spine. It can affect people of all ages; not only children and adolescents, but also adults. Scoliosis can result not only in an unlevel body, it can cause headaches, shortness of breath, back pain, digestive problems, menstrual-cycle disturbances, leg, hip and knee pain, chronic fatigue and mood swings. The majority of scoliosis cases do not require surgery; they require non-surgical treatment of the scoliosis as a progressive disease of curvature of the spine.
Dr. Alaina has taken courses with Dr. Deutchman and Lamantia for appropriate chiropractic care as part of a non-surgical approach to scoliosis. Local Schroth providers, and the Scoli-Fit team in NYC can provide a state of the art approach to idiopathic adolescent scoliosis. Recommended reference: https://scoliosissystems.com
The suck, swallow, breathe reflex is ideally functional in early infancy. However, due to restricted oral tissue, cranial motion, or musculoskeletal development many children suffer with symptoms of dysfunctional breathing, poor tongue posture, sleep disruption, hypertrophic adenoid or tonsil tissue, ankyloglossia, poor dental occlusion, food aversions, difficulty swallowing, and facial shape many children have a need to have Oral Facial Airway Integration. Evaluating the soft and hard tissue mobility of the orofacial structures can shed some light on why some children aren’t thriving. Working with the Speech and Language pathologist, Occupational and Physical Therapist a chiropractor can often provide that mechanical assistance for therapeutic success.
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on, whole-body method of releasing restrictions around the brain and spinal cord to enhance central nervous system performance and allow the body to self-correct. Craniosacral Therapy strengthens the body’s natural healing processes to bolster resistance to disease and improve overall health. Breastfeeding difficulties in babies, Plagiocephaly in babies and children, Migraines, Post-concussion syndrome, Autism spectrum disorder, Sensory processing disorders, Scoliosis in children, Neurological difficulties, TMJ and jaw pain have all been challenges that Craniosacral Therapy has been studied to improve. By enhancing cerebrospinal fluid flow around the brain and spinal cord the body’s ability to self-correct, alleviates a wide variety of dysfunctions.
Dr. Danielle Tomko
Dr. Danielle Tomko
began practicing at Riverview Chiropractic Health in 2013 after graduating from New York Chiropractic College.
began practicing at Riverview Chiropractic Health in 2013 after graduating from New York Chiropractic College. She was born and raised in Western New York and is thrilled to be practicing in her hometown. She is a 2006 graduate of Mount Saint Mary Academy, and she is a 2010 graduate of SUNY Buffalo, where she earned a Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science. After witnessing the amazing results of chiropractic care, she immediately knew she had to make it her career to treat and educate patients in the chiropractic lifestyle. Dr. Tomko has a particular passion for treating prenatal and pediatric patients. She is Certified from the Academy of Family Practice and Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) and Webster Certified in prenatal care through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA).
Select a treatme
Dr. William Davis
Our founder has been serving generations of families in the Buffalo area community for over 50 years. His experience is evident in many areas including: nutrition, disc disease, degenerative joint disease, fibromyalgia, sports and dance injury, applied kinesiology, and geriatric care. His all-inclusive approach to healing has extended to a wide circle of the top medical and alternative healers in Western New York. Dr. Davis has inspired many chiropractors around the world to become excellent healers through his influence here at Riverview.
Dr. William Davis is no longer accepting any insurance
Erica Bazzel
Licensed Massage Therapist

Erica has been a licensed massage therapist in NYS since 2018. She started in the wellness industry in 2009 as a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor. Since then, she has earned her Masters in Applied Nutrition, become a certified health coach and has her 500eRYT designation for teaching yoga. Her massage therapy experience has primarily been in the therapeutic and medical settings and has experience with: deep tissue massage, myofascial release therapy, cupping therapy, and prenatal massage. She is an experienced runner and fitness guru and loves working with patients on a similar journey. She has helped people with running related injuries, chronic headaches, migraines, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, neck and back pain, and pregnancy related discomfort, among other ailments. Erica’s goal is to help people find a balance in their wellness, incorporating all areas of wellness to help them find a life full of energy, and vitality.
Felicia Dawes
Licensed Massage Therapist
Felicia Dawes graduated from the Florida School of Massage in 1991. With over 30 years of
experience, she specializes in deep tissue, myofascial release and medical massage.
Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that’s mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduces tension in muscle and tissue. It may also promote faster healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation. (healthline)
Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.
Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)
The use of Myofascial Release allows us to look at each patient as a unique individual. Our one-on-one therapy sessions are hands-on treatments during which our therapists use a multitude of Myofascial Release techniques and movement therapy. We promote independence through education in proper body mechanics and movement, self treatment instruction, enhancement of strength, improved flexibility, and postural and movement awareness. (John Barnes, PT)
Medical massages are a form of massage treatment designed to resolve diagnosed conditions. Medical massage therapy helps relax sore or tight muscles, relieve nerve pain, release trigger points, increase blood circulation, and reduce inflammation. Additionally, medical massage avoids the side effects and dependency issues of prescribed pain medications
The offices at Riverview Chiropractic Health are composed of 5 Chiropractors and 2 Massage Therapists. Each provider has his/her individual practice that shares front desk reception, scheduling services, office and billing staff, equipment and the address at 1567 Military Rd Kenmore NY 14217
” Our mission at the offices of Riverview Chiropractic Health is to help generations of families pursue optimal health through chiropractic naturally.
*At this time, new patients with reimbursement from Workers Compensation can not be scheduled with any of our providers. Please call the office for a referral to a local provider accepting patients with a work related injury.